Disclaimers and Intellectual Property

From time to time on this blog, I will link to or mention people, pages, or organizations. I do this with the following stipulations:

1. I am not implying that the people or organizations I mention or link to subscribe to or endorse my opinions.

2. In linking to them, I am not necessarily subscribing to or endorsing their opinions.

3. I am solely responsible for the views expressed in this blog.

4. Although I am accustomed to writing strictly documented history papers, this blog is written for my family, friends, and the popular marketplace of ideas. Therefore, except when I am sharing one of my formal essays (which I plan to do on this site), I am not going to feel obligated to document my ideas. If you ever feel that I should back up some claim, contact me, and we will discuss my sources. If I say something in error, I will try to correct it in a way that is as public as the original claim.

5. I am not a copyright attorney. I do, however, respect intellectual property. Sometimes, on the internet, it is difficult to know who owns what. This is particularly true of images. If I use a copyrighted images without attribution, or I attribute it incorrectly, it is not intentional. Contact me and alert me to the issue, and I will examine the problem and fix it promptly, either through proper attribution, or by removing the image altogether.